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Fill out deed poll affidavit onlineWe've got more versions of the deed poll affidavit form. Select the right deed poll affidavit version from the list and start editing it straight away!
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We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
What is an affidavit for change of address?A F F I D A V I T That I was previously residing at (Address with pin code, P.O, P.S, Dist., State). That Now I have shieft from (Previous residing State) to (Current residing State) and residing at
How do I get a name affidavit?Hear this out loud PauseMake an affidavit and this affidavit must include details such as the old name, proposed new name, the reason for name change (marriage, legal, numerology, etc) and address. Print an affidavit on a stamp paper and get it duly signed by two witnesses. Visit notary to docHub the affidavit.
What is a declaration of name change?Hear this out loud PauseI state that [maiden name] and the [present name] is the name of one and the same person and that is myself. I am executing this declaration to be submitted to the concerned authorities for the change of my name in membership database.
What is a sworn affidavit for change of name?Hear this out loud PauseThat for and on behalf of myself and my wife and children and remitter issue wholly renounce/relinquish and abandon the use of my former name (Old Surname) (Old First Name) and in place thereof I do hereby assume from this date the name (New Surname)
What is the meaning of affidavit of name change?An Affidavit of Name Change is a sworn statement that is used to verify the identity of a person who operates under multiple names. This document can be helpful for anyone who is using a name that has not been changed officially by a court or changed through marriage.
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