Paul Gil, a former Lifewire writer who is also known for his dynamic internet and database courses and has been active in technology fields for over two decades.
Updated on June 1, 2021A lesser-known member of the Skype family, GroupMe is a free group text messaging service for mobile devices and desktop computers. It's free and works on any iOS, Android, or Windows device.
These lists operate as high-speed discussion forums, sharing text conversations with everyone in the group. People can join and leave private groups in much the same way they enter and leave online forums. However, GroupMe goes a step further and offers direct messaging, image sharing, GPS location tagging, and silent notification options.
Anyone can send a message that's viewable by everyone else in the group. Every text message is preserved until you choose to delete or hide your messages. This way, conversations are stored for any latecomers to see.
The GroupMe app uses web data to send and receive text messages, but you can also choose to use SMS so that you can chat from non-smartphone devices. GroupMe provides alarm notifications that play as sounds or show as icons on your device.
Nearly everyone travels everywhere with their smartphone. Much more reliable than email, text messaging reaches people for "transitory" types of communication that are time-sensitive. By putting group messaging into your pocket, you can reach people for last-minute and real-time communications.
GroupMe may be beneficial to groups and organizations, including:
To use GroupMe, go to the GroupMe site and select Sign up now. Create a GroupMe account using your email address, Facebook account, or Microsoft account. Enter your name, and then, if you're going to be the group leader, add people to your messaging group.
You can also download the GroupMe app for any iOS, Android, or Microsoft device and follow the on-screen instructions to sign up.
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