National IPR Policy [UPSC Notes for GS III]

National IPR Policy – These UPSC Notes on Intellectual Property Rights policies are aligned with the UPSC Syllabus and aspirants should prepare this topic for General Studies Paper III.

Intellectual Property Rights Policy, and related advantages and concerns are often seen in the news, and hence the topic’s relevance for the UPSC Mains.

IAS Exam aspirants can find more notes for UPSC Mains General Studies topics from the links given at the end of the article.

National Intellectual Property Rights Policy

The government recently released the National IPR policy to promote the IP regime. The policy will encourage creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in India. It will check the theft of one person’s innovation by another. This is India’s first IPR policy.

National IPR Policy

Aspirants would find this topic very helpful in the IAS Exam.

In addition, the following links given below will also help in strengthening the candidates’ exam preparation:

About the Policy:

Objective of IPR Policy

There are seven major objectives:

The policy put in place a legal framework that will encourage the IPR regime and reduce the time taken by the government to approve a trademark to a month. Currently, the process takes more than a year.

Need for an IPR Policy:

Salient Features:

Advantages of the Proposed IPR policy regime:

A few relevant links for candidates going through the National IPR Policy will help them prepare comprehensively –


Achievements under new IPR policy