Sales plan template

A sales plan template gives your sales team an organized framework for everything they need to accomplish each quarter. Learn how you can use a sales plan template to help expedite the sales planning process.

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How often do you create a new sales strategy? For many sales teams, this is something that happens on a quarterly basis. However, developing your strategy from scratch every quarter can take up precious planning time that could be used for selling your product.

Instead of creating your sales plan from scratch every quarter, try using our free sales plan template.

What is a sales plan template?

A sales plan template is a reusable framework that helps develop your sales team’s strategy, success metrics, and end goals. These templates may also include your sales team’s objectives, target audience, and revenue goals.

Why is this important? Instead of starting from scratch, your team can use our free sales plan template as a starting point during quarterly sales planning. This helps expedite the process by providing your team with a basic strategy to work from. Then, all your team has to do is to fill in their specific success metrics, goals, and responsibilities for that specific time period.

What goes into a sales plan template?

There are a few different components that go into a sales plan template. These components may vary depending on the type of sales you work in—software sales are very different from retail sales teams, after all—but the most common components include:

Depending on how your team functions and your sales strategy, you can add additional information like:

How to use our free sales plan template

Creating a sales plan with our free template is simple. Here are a few steps to help you get started.

  1. Analyze your current sales process. If your team has repeatable tasks in your current sales process, your template should capture all of these steps. This will save your sales managers from manually repeating tasks when they create a new sales strategy.
  2. Establish a main sales objective. No matter the quarter, you should always clearly state the main objective you want your team to achieve. This helps your team focus on work that will make the most impact on your sales objective.
  3. Determine success metrics. Connecting your sales goals to your business goals is an important part of developing a sales plan template. Your sales plan template should have a dedicated section for success metrics, so your team knows exactly how certain tasks connect with larger goals. These success metrics should connect directly with the sales objective you established in step two.
  4. Document actionable steps. Our free sales plan template makes it easy to capture the actionable steps your team is taking to achieve the objectives you outlined in step 2. This section ensures you can accurately measure if the work you’re doing is helping to achieve your goals.
  5. Provide important contextual information for your team. Your sales plan template should include information like competitive research, market conditions, and an individual customer profile. This information can be updated and duplicated for future sales plans.

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What are the steps to creating a sales plan template?

Instead of creating a sales plan template from scratch, use our free template to kickstart your planning process. By using a template within a project management tool, you also ensure all team members can easily view and access your sales plan in real-time.

What is a sales plan template?

A sales plan template is a duplicatable framework your sales team can use to establish a sales strategy over a certain amount of time. For example, you can use the framework to establish your strategy for a specific quarter. This framework can be used as the foundation for your sales team’s quarterly sales plan.

What are the key elements of a sales plan template?

A sales plan template should include a place to track your team’s revenue targets, your team’s structure, key deadlines and milestones, and directly responsible individuals (DRIs). Some additional information you can provide includes the current market conditions, the target audience or an ideal customer profile, and any competitive data that you may have.