Here’s how Texas voted on the 14 statewide propositions

Texas voters have weighed in on topics ranging from tax exemption increases to state infrastructure funding.

Preliminary election results Tuesday night showed that Texans voted in favor of 13 of the 14 proposed amendments, approving measures ranging from a higher homestead exemption for Texas homeowners to a pension boost for retired teachers. Most voted against Proposition 13, which would have increased the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges from 75 to 79.

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Here’s the full list of the proposed constitutional amendments on Tuesday’s ballot:

Proposition 1 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management.”

Prop 1 would prevent municipal governments from regulating land use policies in areas with farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture and wildlife management.

This would not affect the state’s ability to acquire property for public use, including the development of natural resources under the Texas Constitution.

Proposition 2 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment authorizing a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county or municipality of all or part of the appraised value of real property used to operate a child-care facility.”

This amendment would exempt half the value of a child care facility’s property from taxes.

In an analysis of the proposition, state Sen. Royce West said Texas child care centers were closing due to employees leaving for businesses able to pay higher wages.

Proposition 3 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of an individual wealth or net worth tax, including a tax on the difference between the assets and liabilities of an individual or family.”

This will prohibit a state wealth or net worth tax on an individual or family.

Texas is one of nine states without an income tax.

In 2019, voters approved a proposition requiring two-thirds support in both legislative chambers along with a statewide vote before any income tax resolution is established in Texas.

Proposition 4 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a temporary limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes; to increase the amount of the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district applicable to residence homesteads from $40,000 to $100,000; to adjust the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes imposed on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect increases in certain exemption amounts; to except certain appropriations to pay for ad valorem tax relief from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations; and to authorize the legislature to provide for a four-year term of office for a member of the board of directors of certain appraisal districts.”

Proposition 4 is the longest on the ballot and has four parts to it.

First, it would raise the homestead exemption for school district taxes from $40,000 to $100,000. Texans can apply for a homestead exemption on their primary residence.

With Prop 4, this would mean anyone with a homestead exemption would pay property taxes as if their home was valued at $100,000 less than what it is.

Prop 4 would also limit terms for appraisal board members to four years for those serving in a county with a population of at least 75,000 people.

Proposition 5 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment relating to the Texas University Fund, which provides funding to certain institutions of higher education to achieve national prominence as major research universities and drive the state economy.”

This amendment focuses on building up higher education in the state.

The money — $3.9 billion — would go to any state university entitled for funding from the Texas University Fund. This would include the University of North Texas, Texas Tech University, the University of Houston and Texas State University.

The Texas A&M and University of Texas systems would not be eligible because they already receive money from the Permanent University Fund.

The amount of money used would not exceed $100 million for the state fiscal year beginning Sept. 1, 2023. This amount could be adjusted by a rate of up to 2% in future state fiscal years.

Proposition 6 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment creating the Texas water fund to assist in financing water projects in this state.”

This amendment would set up the Texas Water Fund to finance water projects in the state.

The Texas Water Fund would have special funds outside of the general revenue fund and administered by the Texas Water Development Board.

Proposition 7 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy fund to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities.”

Prop 7 would provide low-interest loans for the construction or upgrade of gas-fueled power plants.

Proposition 8 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment creating the broadband infrastructure fund to expand high-speed broadband access and assist in the financing of connectivity projects.”

Similar to Proposition 6 — which aims to address a growing Texas population — Prop 8 would expand broadband internet access across the state.

It would allocate special funds — administered by the Texas comptroller — separate from the general fund to expand high-speed broadband access.

About 7 million Texans do not have broadband access, with rural and underserved communities most in need.

Prop 8 would establish the broadband infrastructure fund to establish and expand access to broadband and telecommunications services statewide. This fund would expire on Sept. 1, 2035, unless the legislature extends it.

Proposition 9 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment authorizing the 88th Legislature to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.”

This would allow for a cost-of-living adjustment for some retired teachers.

Prop 9 involves a specific fund described in the state constitution that requires voter approval before it is officially transferred.

Proposition 10 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation equipment or inventory held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products to protect the Texas healthcare network and strengthen our medical supply chain.”

This would exempt personal property held by a medical or biomedical manufacturer from taxes.

Proposition 11 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.”

This proposition would allow the use of property tax funds to develop and maintain parks and recreational facilities in El Paso.

The Texas Constitution allows conservation and reclamation districts in certain counties to issue bonds to develop and maintain parks and recreational facilities but does not currently provide this authority to El Paso County.

Proposition 11 is on the ballot because the state constitution has to be amended any time there is a change in funding.

Proposition 12 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment providing for the abolition of the office of county treasurer in Galveston County.”

Proposition 12 is one of the outliers out of all the amendments because it focused only on Galveston County.

It would abolish the Galveston County treasurer position.

The county treasurer is an elected position that does not report to the county commissioners.

Proposition 13 (failed)

“The constitutional amendment to increase the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges.”

This amendment would increase the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges by four years, from 75 to 79.

Proposition 14 (approved)

“The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the centennial parks conservation fund to be used for the creation and improvement of state parks.”

This will create a Centennial Parks Conservation Fund outside of the state treasury to build new state parks and fund improvements to existing ones.

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