What Indigenous Peoples should know about the tax return they send to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and how that return can result in various benefit payments.
Terminology from the Indian Act The term "Indian" is sometimes used because it has legal meaning in the Indian Act.
If you have personal property, including income, situated on a reserve, that property is exempt from tax under section 87 of the Indian Act. Contact your local band office to find out if a tract of land is a reserve for purposes of this exemption. If your band is not certain about the status of the land, contact Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.
Under Section 87 of the Indian Act, employment income is considered tax-exempt in certain circumstances.
Whether your employment income is taxed or not is based on:
Don't forget to file a T90 form to calculate your net exempt income if all of the following apply:
Doing your taxes has benefits. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, you should do your taxes every year, even if you had no income or if your income was tax-exempt.
All Canadians have access to the same benefits and credits.
To receive benefits and credits from the CRA, you must have filed your tax returns, even if your income is tax exempt or you had no income at all. This includes your spouse or common-law partner. The CRA needs this information to calculate your payments.
Some of these benefits and credits include:
Some changes affect your access to benefits and credits.
Should your circumstances change
Tax credits and deductions are available for persons with disabilities, their supporting family members, and their caregivers
Some of the disability credits and deductions include:
Update your marital status including if you’re living in a common-law relationship. We’ll recalculate your payments to account for your new marital status and your new family net income.
Some changes based on marital status include:
Update the number of children in your care if a child starts living with you, you start sharing custody of a child, or a child is no longer in your care.
Some changes based on the number of children in your care include:
Update your address if you change your primary residence, to make sure your benefit and credit payments don’t stop.
There are many reasons people in Canada may have an uncashed cheque from the CRA, for example if you move and do not update your address. To see if you have an uncashed CRA cheque sign into or register for MyAccount.
Direct deposit is a fast, convenient, reliable, and secure way to get your CRA payments directly into your account at a financial institution in Canada. For more information and ways to enrol, go to direct deposit or contact your financial institution.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have caused changes to your workplace.
You may have been required to work off-reserve because of workplace restrictions. Find out if your income is still exempt despite changes to your situation.
If you live on a reserve and were required to work from home, your employment income could now be fully or partly exempt from tax under section 87.
You may also be eligible to claim home office expenses if you are working from home.
If you receive a letter or message from the CRA
It’s important to read these communications carefully. We might ask you to provide more information or documentation to confirm that you’re eligible for a benefit or credit. For example, we may ask you to confirm that you are the primary caregiver for children in your care.
Documents that may be requested to confirm your details
Your benefits may stop if you don’t reply and provide all the information requested. If you do not have the documents or need some extra time to gather them, contact the CRA. Be sure to consider:
Find out how to recognize messages from the CRA: Scam prevention and the CRA.
Jordan’s Principle supports First Nations children living in Canada with access to the products and services they need. They provide funding that helps with a wide range of health, social, and educational needs.
The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them.
Some easy options to file your tax return:
Use a simplified paper tax return
Indigenous peoples may use the simplified paper tax return form:
This return is not available to download. Get this return by contacting one of your:
File your tax return online
File your tax return online with 1 of the certified tax software products.
They are easy to use, fast, secure, and some are free.
File for free using 1 of the following services:
You can also contact your band office for information on free tax clinics offered in, or near, your community.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) created the Northern Service Centres to provide a year-round presence to support individuals and businesses in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Employees operating from the Northern Service Centres deliver various services to individuals and community organizations and assist small businesses and self-employed individuals schedule either virtual or in-person visits with a Liaison Officer.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) offers a free personalized support to owners of small businesses and self-employed individuals. The Liaison Officer service is available across Canada to help you understand your business tax obligations. A visit from a liaison officer is 100% confidential; the information you choose to discuss with a liaison officer will not be shared with other areas of the CRA, or anyone else.
COVID-19 benefits provided temporary income support to individuals who were directly affected by the pandemic and are generally taxable. If some or all of your income is exempt from tax under section 87 of the Indian Act, this will affect the taxability of the benefits.
If you received benefit payments that you were not eligible for, you may need to return the full amount you received.
At the CRA, our diverse workforce and inclusive workplace foster innovation and drive us to be a world-class tax and benefit administration. We are consistently recognized as one of Canada's top 100 employers.
For all employment information, refer to: Careers at the CRA
Terminology from the Indian Act
The term "Indian" is sometimes used because it has legal meaning in the Indian Act.
For self-employed individuals:
For all products, refer to: Forms and publications