Child Nursing Personal Statement Example 3

Children's nursing requires determination, perseverance, great knowledge and commitment. I have experienced first-hand how caring, amazing and professional the children's nurses are.

The care my family received in the high dependency unit when my 8-week-old son fell ill really touched my heart and gave me a massive insight into their roles and responsibilities.

Children's nurses are there to support the family around that child, not just the child themselves. I realised I would love to give something back by becoming a children's nurse myself. I find it easy to listen to people and understand their concerns about their problems. I believe that this is a great trait to have.

Many children cannot communicate like adults, so their care needs patience. It is also vital to listen carefully to them to understand their feelings, fears and anxieties. I am currently doing work experience in a children's nursery. This is giving me huge insight into working closely with children.

I am learning how to best interact with children who are unable to verbalise, understanding their cues and needs. Part of my role involves keeping records of the children's day which helps to maintain continuity of care and keep parents up-to-date, as it would working as a children's nurse.

On the Access to Higher Education Health Care course we are studying psychology. This is a great opportunity to learn about the different functions of the brain and how things change as a child develops. Interacting positively with children facilitates development of an important relationship from a nurse's perspective; this interaction is vital to this job role.

Creating a good rapport in this way can ease treatments and promote successful outcomes. Studying psychology has helped me recognise the difference between biological, social and behaviour functions; no two humans are the same.

By having this mind set myself, I understand that every situation I come across will need to be handled in a different and unique way depending on the make-up of the individuals involved.

In sociology at A-level and on the Access Course has helped me understand how important it is to avoid labelling patients and family members. It is essential to accept all different people from different social classes, ethnic minorities and genders; everyone must be shown the same respect and kindness.

Within Access I am gaining many new skills. I now fully understand Harvard referencing. I am also becoming more confident in presenting academic oral presentations and engaging in academic discussions and knowing how to research from a variety of sources to help further my knowledge in the subject I am researching. I work part-time at McDonald's as a Floor Manager.

This job has helped me develop my confidence and communication skills. I have excellent organisational management skills, balancing my study and work with my times as a mum ensuring I succeed with my education. I am also able to work quickly and under pressure; I am most definitely a successful multi-tasker. I currently run two night shifts a week.

Remaining positive and proactive whilst working to create a good morale between colleagues and being able to be friendly but assertive to get tasks done together as a team is vital. I show courage and compassion within my line of work, with customers who come into our restaurant who are intimidating or aggressive. I am always able to keep calm and diffuse the situation when necessary.

Everyone understands that respect, patience and having fun is important for us all to succeed. I have been inspired to study children's nursing through my personal experience and the passion that I have for helping others around me and my interest in the human body.

I really want to help the children and their parents through their difficult and challenging times, facilitating the child to live their life to the fullest. I am truly looking forward to starting my career as a children's nurse.

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